Cassandra DB list tables


As a senior PHP, JS web developer, you may come across the need to work with Cassandra DB and list tables. Cassandra is a popular NoSQL database that is known for its scalability and high availability. When it comes to listing tables in Cassandra, there are several ways to do it. In this article, we will explore different methods for listing tables in Cassandra DB.

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Methods to List Tables in Cassandra DB:

  • Using CQL (Cassandra Query Language): One of the most common ways to list tables in Cassandra is by using CQL. You can connect to your Cassandra cluster using CQLSH (Cassandra Query Language Shell) and then run the following command to list all the tables in the keyspace:
  • Using nodetool: Another way to list tables in Cassandra is by using the nodetool utility. You can run the following command in your terminal to get a list of all the tables in the keyspace:
nodetool cfstats
  • Querying system tables: You can also query the system tables in Cassandra to get a list of all the tables in the keyspace. One of the system tables you can query is the system_schema.tables table:
SELECT * FROM system_schema.tables WHERE keyspace_name = 'your_keyspace_name';

Additional Tips:

  • Use a GUI tool: If you prefer a graphical user interface, you can use tools like DataStax DevCenter or Cassandra Query Builder to list tables in Cassandra.
  • Check documentation: Always refer to the official Cassandra documentation for the most up-to-date information on listing tables and other operations.


  • Listing tables in Cassandra DB is essential for developers working with this NoSQL database. By using CQL commands, nodetool, or querying system tables, you can easily get a list of tables in your Cassandra keyspace.

Yan Hadzhyisky

fullstack PHP+JS+REACT developer