Cassandra DB Query Example



Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database known for its scalability and high availability. In this article, we will explore some Cassandra DB query examples that demonstrate how to interact with the database using CQL (Cassandra Query Language).

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Connecting to Cassandra

Before running any queries, you need to establish a connection to the Cassandra cluster. You can use the DataStax PHP Driver or DataStax Node.js Driver to connect to Cassandra from your PHP or JavaScript application.

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Creating a Keyspace

A keyspace in Cassandra is similar to a database in traditional relational databases. You can create a keyspace using the following CQL query:

CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS my_keyspace   WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3};

Creating a Table

Tables in Cassandra hold your data. You can create a table using the following CQL query:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_keyspace.my_table (   id UUID PRIMARY KEY,   name TEXT,   age INT );

Inserting Data

To insert data into a Cassandra table, you can use the following CQL query:

INSERT INTO my_keyspace.my_table (id, name, age)   VALUES (uuid(), 'Alice', 30);

Querying Data

Retrieving data from a Cassandra table involves running queries. Here are some examples of querying data:

  • SELECT * FROM my_keyspace.my_table; – Retrieves all data from the table.
  • SELECT * FROM my_keyspace.my_table WHERE name = 'Alice'; – Retrieves data based on a specific condition.

Updating Data

You can update existing data in a Cassandra table using the following CQL query:

UPDATE my_keyspace.my_table   SET age = 31   WHERE name = 'Alice';

Deleting Data

To remove data from a Cassandra table, you can use the following CQL query:

DELETE FROM my_keyspace.my_table   WHERE name = 'Alice';


These Cassandra DB query examples demonstrate the basic operations you can perform when interacting with a Cassandra database. By understanding how to create keyspaces, tables, insert data, query data, update data, and delete data, you can effectively work with Cassandra in your PHP or JavaScript applications.

Yan Hadzhyisky

fullstack PHP+JS+REACT developer