Installing Cassandra DB on macOS: Complete Guide


Introduction to installing Cassandra DB on macOS



Before installing Cassandra on macOS, ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed. You can check if Java is installed by running java -version in the terminal. If not installed, download and install the latest JDK version from the official Oracle website.

Download Cassandra

Go to the official Apache Cassandra website and download the latest version of Cassandra. You can choose between binary tarballs, Windows MSI installers, or source code. For macOS, download the binary tarball, which is a compressed file containing all the necessary files to run Cassandra.

Installing Apache Cassandra on Mac – YouTube
Dec 3, 2022 … Brief description related to the topic: up to 3 sentences Find supplementary and related tutorials here: Link to a playlist List of links to …

Install Cassandra

Once the download is complete, navigate to the directory where the tarball was downloaded and extract the contents using the terminal or a file archiver tool. After extraction, you will have a folder with the Cassandra files. This folder can be placed in any directory on your system.

Configure Cassandra

Next, you need to configure Cassandra by editing the cassandra.yaml file located in the conf directory within the Cassandra installation folder. You can set parameters such as the cluster name, data file directories, and listen address in this file to customize Cassandra based on your requirements.

Start Cassandra

To start Cassandra, navigate to the bin directory within the Cassandra installation folder using the terminal and run the command ./cassandra. This command will start the Cassandra server, and you will see output indicating that Cassandra is up and running. You can also run nodetool status to check the status of the Cassandra cluster.

Accessing Cassandra

Once Cassandra is running, you can access it using the CQL shell (cqlsh). Simply run the command ./cqlsh in the bin directory of the Cassandra installation folder to open the CQL shell. From here, you can execute CQL queries to interact with the Cassandra database.

Setting up prerequisites for Cassandra on macOS


Setting up prerequisites for Cassandra on macOS involves several steps to ensure a smooth installation process. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you get started:

Install Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that simplifies the installation of software packages. To install Homebrew, open Terminal and paste the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

Cassandra requires Java to run. Install the JDK using Homebrew by running the following command:

brew cask install adoptopenjdk

Set JAVA_HOME Environment Variable

After installing the JDK, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable by adding the following line to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc file:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

Install Apache Cassandra

Use Homebrew to install Apache Cassandra by running the following command:

brew install cassandra

Start Cassandra Service

To start the Cassandra service, use the following command:

brew services start cassandra

Verify Installation

Verify the Cassandra installation by connecting to the Cassandra Query Language Shell (CQLSH). Open a new Terminal window and run:


You should see a prompt indicating a successful connection to the Cassandra database.

By following these steps, you can easily set up the prerequisites for Cassandra on macOS and start working with this powerful NoSQL database.

Downloading and installing Cassandra on macOS



In this guide, we will walk you through the process of downloading and installing Apache Cassandra on macOS. Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable and high-performance distributed database designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to download and install Cassandra on your macOS:

  • Download Apache Cassandra: Visit the official Apache Cassandra website and navigate to the download section. Choose the latest version of Cassandra for macOS and download the binary distribution tarball.
  • Extract the Tarball: Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded tarball file in your Downloads folder. Open Terminal and navigate to the directory where the tarball is located. Use the following command to extract the tarball:
    tar -xvf apache-cassandra-3.11.10-bin.tar.gz
  • Configure Cassandra: Next, navigate to the Cassandra configuration directory by running the following command:
    cd apache-cassandra-3.11.10/conf Inside this directory, you can modify the Cassandra configuration files based on your requirements.
  • Start Cassandra: To start Cassandra, navigate back to the Cassandra root directory and run the following command:
    ./bin/cassandra This will start the Cassandra server in the background.
  • Verify Installation: To verify that Cassandra is running correctly, you can connect to the Cassandra Query Language Shell (cqlsh) by running the following command:
    ./bin/cqlsh If you see the CQL prompt, it means that Cassandra has been successfully installed.


Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed Apache Cassandra on your macOS machine. You can now start building highly scalable and fault-tolerant applications using this powerful distributed database. Remember to refer to the official Cassandra documentation for more advanced configuration and usage options.

Configuring and running Cassandra on macOS


Setting up Cassandra on macOS

Configuring and running Cassandra on macOS can be a straightforward process when following these steps:

  • Install Homebrew: Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that simplifies the installation of various software packages. You can install Homebrew by running the following command in your terminal:
  • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Install Cassandra: Once Homebrew is installed, you can easily install Cassandra by running the following command:
  • brew install cassandra
  • Start Cassandra: After Cassandra is installed, you can start the Cassandra service by running:
  • brew services start cassandra
  • Verify Cassandra is running: To ensure that Cassandra is up and running, you can use the following command:
  • nodetool status

Configuring Cassandra

After successfully setting up Cassandra on your macOS system, you may need to make some configurations based on your requirements:

  • Edit Cassandra configuration: The Cassandra configuration file can be found at /usr/local/etc/cassandra. You can modify this file using your preferred text editor to adjust settings such as heap size, data directory, etc.
  • Create keyspaces and tables: To start working with Cassandra, you will need to create keyspaces and tables. You can do this using the CQL shell (cqlsh) by running:
  • cqlsh
  • Set up replication: Configuring replication is crucial for data redundancy and fault tolerance. You can set the replication factor and strategy when creating keyspaces to ensure data durability.

Interacting with Cassandra

Now that Cassandra is configured and running on your macOS system, you can interact with the database using various tools and interfaces:

  • CQL Shell (cqlsh): The CQL Shell is a command-line tool that allows you to interact with Cassandra using CQL (Cassandra Query Language). You can run CQL commands and queries using cqlsh.
  • DataStax DevCenter: DataStax DevCenter is a visual tool that provides a graphical interface for interacting with Cassandra. You can use DevCenter to run queries, explore data, and manage your Cassandra clusters.
  • Programming languages: You can also interact with Cassandra using various programming languages such as Java, Python, Node.js, etc. There are drivers and libraries available for different languages to connect and query Cassandra databases.

Conclusion: Is Cassandra the right choice for your project?



Cassandra is known for its ability to scale horizontally, making it a suitable choice for projects that require handling large amounts of data across multiple servers. Its distributed architecture allows for seamless scaling by adding more nodes to the cluster, providing high availability and fault tolerance.


When it comes to performance, Cassandra excels in write-heavy workloads. Its log-structured storage engine and support for tunable consistency make it a great option for applications that prioritize high throughput and low latency. However, queries that require complex joins or aggregations may not perform as well compared to traditional relational databases.


One of the key advantages of Cassandra is its flexibility in data modeling. Unlike traditional relational databases, Cassandra does not require a predefined schema, allowing developers to store different types of data together without constraints. This makes it ideal for projects with evolving data requirements or those that deal with unstructured data.


Cassandra offers tunable consistency levels, allowing developers to choose between strong consistency or eventual consistency based on their application’s needs. While this provides flexibility in balancing consistency, availability, and partition tolerance, it also requires careful consideration to ensure data integrity and correctness.


Implementing and managing a Cassandra cluster can be complex and may require expertise in distributed systems. Tasks such as data modeling, cluster configuration, and performance tuning can be challenging for developers who are new to NoSQL databases. Proper planning and understanding of Cassandra’s architecture are essential to leverage its full potential.

Use Cases

Cassandra is well-suited for use cases that involve large-scale data storage and high write throughput, such as time series data, sensor data, messaging platforms, and recommendation engines. It is commonly used in industries like e-commerce, social media, IoT, and financial services where scalability and performance are critical requirements.


Whether Cassandra is the right choice for your project depends on your specific requirements and expertise. If you need a highly scalable and performance-oriented database for handling big data applications with flexible data models, Cassandra could be a great fit. However, if your project relies heavily on complex queries or transactions that require strong consistency, you may need to evaluate other database options. Consider factors like scalability, performance, flexibility, consistency, complexity, and use cases to determine if Cassandra aligns with your project goals.

Yan Hadzhyisky

fullstack PHP+JS+REACT developer